Ekekwe Karen
1 min readJul 26, 2021


I did it, I ran a mile!

I recently participated in a mile run organized by Seek discomfort of Yes theory on the 25th of July and it was challenging. Challenging in the sense that I had to record myself while running outside and I was shy but after so many attempts I took a video and I loved it then. Only for me to get back home and watch the video to dislike what I recorded, I found every possible fault like my afro wasn’t combed, I didn’t like my face and the video in general. I wanted to quit making the video and just rest but I made a commitment and I was going to see it through! Today, I called a friend and asked him to shoot the video for me since he had a better phone camera. After so many attempts again, I made the video guys, I did it! I guess what I am trying to say is sometimes we need that extra push to do that we’ve always wanted to do. Thank you Seek discomfort, thank you Yes theory, thank you for pushing mem out of my comfort zone, I did it!



Ekekwe Karen

Hi my name is Karen and I love all things food and travel